Models mark manson summary
Models mark manson summary

models mark manson summary

When you tell a woman who’s late to a date to never be late again, you are polarizing her. When you wear a custom-made suit when you go out, you are polarizing women. When you tease her about her earrings and put your arm around her, you’re polarizing her.

models mark manson summary

When you tell a woman she is beautiful, you are polarizing her. Polarization is what occurs when you express your truth and make yourself vulnerable.The percentage of women that you’re able to move from Neutral to Receptive will be proportional to how good your game is, or how well you’re able to communicate and express yourself with women.The percentage of women who are Receptive to you will increase proportionally to the quality of your lifestyle, your social status, and your looks.Women who share interests with me give me an opportunity to polarize them quickly to being Receptive. Women who are not passionate or self-aware I drop very quickly and go meet someone else. This question will tell me two things: how passionate and self-aware she is about her own life, and secondly if we have anything in common.At the bar, the first question out of my mouth is one of my favorites for Neutral situations: "What's your favorite thing in the world?".The Friend Zone typically occurs when a man meets a Receptive or Neutral woman but never makes a move or expresses his interest.Which side she polarizes to is far less important than actually taking action. Whatever it is, the goal with Neutral women is to take an action that forces her to make a decision about how she feels about you. It may be as simple as smiling at her from across the room. This may mean flirting with them or teasing them. The goal with Neutral women is to polarize them through your words and behaviors.This category can be difficult for men to understand because it’s not as common for us as it is for women. Women who are Unreceptive are just that: they’re unavailable and/or uninterested in having a sexual/romantic relationship with you.For practical purposes, we can divide up all of the women you’re attracted to into three categories: Receptive, Neutral and Unreceptive.If you don’t find her attractive, don’t pursue her.Part II: Strategy Chapter 4: Polarization

models mark manson summary

You are going to be incompatible with most of the women in the world and to hold any hopes of being highly compatible with most is an illusion of grandeur and a figment of your own narcissistic tendency. With most of the women you meet, things are simply not going to work no matter what you do or say. The uncomfortable truth is that the majority of women are going to have high degrees of friction and projection when you meet them.Friction is when a woman finds you to be an attractive man, but there are value differences or external circumstances that prevent her from acting on that attraction or being interested in you.You are simply expressing your thoughts and feelings as they come to you, without inhibition, without shame. That means everything you say and do must be done without any ulterior motive. Vulnerability requires honesty, and honesty only works if it’s given unconditionally, with no strings attached.The more nervous it makes you, the better, because it means you’re being authentic and making yourself vulnerable. You say it because you mean it and mean it because you say it. So the catch is that everything you say must be as authentic as possible.A non-needy man is comfortable showing his flaws because he’s more comfortable with how he feels about himself than how others feel about him.A man who’s able to make himself vulnerable is saying to the world, "Screw the repercussions this is who I am, and I refuse to be anyone else." He’s saying he is non-needy and high status. Vulnerability represents a form of power, a deep and subtle form of power.Not just emotional vulnerability (although we’ll get to that), but physical vulnerability, social vulnerability. I want you to think of vulnerability in a more broad way.Take care of yourself and those who are important to you. The only real dating advice is self-improvement.Seduction is the process by which a man induces a woman to become as invested in him as he is in her.A man's attractiveness is inversely proportional to how needy he is.Notes Part I: Reality Chapter 1: Non-Neediness

Models mark manson summary