Luckily, the show is sweet enough to take some of the sting out of the close-to-home moments, but earnest enough to make you feel a real connection with these poor unfortunate characters. But this isn't the audience either, or at least not the whole audience, as season two makes very clear, Big Mouth is aware that it will be watched be young adolescents, with their parents' permission or not, and makes sure to provide an entire episode teaching its younger viewers about safe sex and planned parenthood. Big Mouth Season 2 cuts uncomfortably close to the quick at times and really makes you feel like you’re reliving your own adolescence. It shows an perhaps grossly unflinching look at puberty, and then waxes on just enough nostalgia to make it a fond look back at our collective formative years whoever we may be. With Big Mouth it's different, the show effectively provides an image of puberty that is effectively intersectional. It is obviously an "adult cartoon", but while that phrase is usually employed (with a few notable exceptions like Bojack) to mean that the target audience is straight teenage boys.

With Big Mouth it's It is a little hard to figure out the demographic they're aiming for with Big Mouth. It is a little hard to figure out the demographic they're aiming for with Big Mouth.